Now Open: Temporary Location in Heritage Hotel

Visit our temporary location in the Heritage Hotel to pick up holds and for limited book browsing. Our virtual and offsite events (primarily at Parks & Recreation) continue! 

Saturday, March 13 Curbside Information

Curbside Appointments

Although the building will be closed to the public on Saturday, March 13, the library will be offering limited curbside service by appointment only.

Registration for March 13th curbside appointments ends on Friday, March 12 at noon. The library will be open to the public on Monday, March 15 from 9:30-4:30.

To make an appointment:

  • Call 203-262-0626 ext 130
  • Email

Before calling, please make a list of materials that you would like to pick up. You can also include your list in your initial email. If you have books that are already on the hold shelf for you, just let us know that those are the items you would like to pick up.

Pickup Instructions:

  1. Have your Photo ID or library card with you.
  2. When you arrive, call the Reference Desk at 203-262-0626 ext. 130 to let us know you are here and how to find your vehicle.
  3. Remain in your car with your front windows rolled up. Show the staff member your library card or ID through the window and pop your trunk.
  4. If you have any items to return, you can place them in the outside drop after your pickup appointment is completed.

Please review the following information prior to your appointment:

  • If you are having someone pick up your materials for you either via curbside service or at the front desk, call us ahead of time so we know who to expect. If someone else is picking up your materials, they need to have your permission and either your library card, their library card, or their ID to do so.
  • Call the reference desk at 203-262-0626 ext. 130 when you arrive to let us know the make, model, and color of your car and where you are parked.
  • Please try to arrive as close to your pickup time as possible. If you are running late or need to cancel, please give us a call to let us know.

Curbside Service is available by appointment during most of the library's open hours, and is not restricted to Saturday, March 13th.

The library's hours surrounding this closure are:

Thursday, March 11 from 9:30am-4:30pm.

Friday, March 12 from 9:30am-4:30pm.

Monday, March 15 from 9:30am-4:30pm.