Presenter Guidelines

Last Updated:

Southbury Public Library Presenter Guidelines for Library Sponsored Programming: 

All presenters of library sponsored programming are required to abide by these guidelines. For all library sponsored programming, programs cannot be used for commercial, religious, or partisan purposes or the solicitation of business. The Southbury Public Library encourages presenters to ask questions regarding clarification as needed. 

The Southbury Public Library’s mission to transform lives through educating, inspiring and connecting.


What technology the library offers for presenters in each room varies; see below. For all rooms, staff will work with presenters to connect all devices, other setup, and on technology issues as needed. Wi-Fi connectivity is available throughout the library. Table and seating setups for each room can be modified upon request. Presenters are encouraged to discuss any changes to the default set up well in advance of any program. 

Kingsley Room (for side A and if both sides are being used): 

  • Microphone(s): 
    • Handheld, on a stand, or clipped to the collar or around the ear 
  • Surround sound speaker system that connects to microphones, Blu-Ray Player, VHS Player, VGA input, and HDMI input 
  • Podium 
  • HD Digital Projector with connections to Blu-ray Player, VHS Player, VGA input, and HDMI input 
  • Screen 
  • VGA, HDMI, and Thunderbolt cords for connection from presenter device(s) to the projector 
  • Lecture style seating for 40-130 
  • Additional tables and chairs for presenters upon request 
  • Wall and floor electrical outlets 
  • 2 raised director style chairs and cafe tables 


Kingsley B Room: 

  • Smart board with projector 
  • Podium 
  • Conference-style table that seats 12-16 comfortably 
  • VGA, HDMI, and Thunderbolt cords for connection from presenter device(s) to the projector 
  • Wall and floor electrical outlets 
  • 2 raised director style chairs and cafe tables 

Brown Room: 

  • Podium (with built-in speaker that can connect to wired microphones) 
  • Large flat screen television that can be projected to via VGA or HDMI input 
  • VGA, HDMI, and Thunderbolt cords for connection from presenter device(s) to the projector 
  • Conference-style table that seats 12-16 comfortably 
  • Wall and floor electrical outlets 
  • 2 raised director style chairs and cafe tables 

What equipment presenters are responsible to bring: 

  • If connecting to a projector: a laptop or device that can connect via HDMI, VGA, or Thunderbolt cord 
  • Any agreed upon supplies for a craft/art, food, or other interactive program 

Other Services: 

For programs centered around crafts, food, or other interactive activities, the library will provide table coverings and paper goods as needed and agreed upon between the presenter and library. The library will make copies of handouts if received at least two days in advance of program. Presenters are responsible for arranging their own transportation and are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the start of any program. 

What the library provides in publicity: 

  • Paper flyer shared in-house and occasionally outside the library 
  • Promotion on digital signage throughout the library 
  • Promotion on monthly programming calendar 
  • Promotion on website in programming section and on website calendar 
  • Promotion on the library’s social media 
  • Press release to local newspapers 
  • Presenter’s name, organization, and/or business name will be included in all publicity 

What the library requires from presenters in order to book a program: 

  • Brief presenter biography 
  • Brief program description 
  • During winter months (December-March), a snow date at the discretion and availability of presenter and the library 
  • If a paid program: W-9 and a contract or invoice at least 30 days in advance; for presenters with no preferred contract/invoice, the library will provide a contract/invoice. 

All programming is selected on the basis of cost, availability, and suitability to program subject and quality. Selection of programs is made according to reviews and/or judgment of professional librarians and the Head Librarian. The library reserves the right to cancel programming for weather, emergency, or any other extenuating circumstance and at the discretion of the Head Librarian. In the rare event a cancellation occurs, presenters will be contacted as far in advance as possible. 

Presenter Responsibilities:

The following sections detail precisely the types of promotion that are acceptable presenter responsibilities for library programs as well as presenter responsibilities. Just as with non-business led presentations, presentations given by businesses or individuals affiliated with businesses must be general in the information they offer and not promote the business(es) in question. 

Types of promotion allowed: 

  • The following may be left out for the taking by interested patrons (either by the entrance to the room or the presenter table): 
    • Business cards 
    • Post cards with business/performer information 
    • Optional sign up sheet next to business cards 
    • Calendar of events for their future programs at other locations 
  • If applicable, logos may be included on attire of presenter(s) 
  • Artists, authors, performers, and other presenters may sell music CDs, books, artwork, or other creative works if discussed prior to program with library staff 

Types of promotion not allowed: 

  • Solicitations of future business 
  • Any promotion of a specific business 
  • Requiring attendees to take business contact information in any form 
  • Requiring attendees to exchange their contact information 
  • Logos or business information in presenter slides or handouts 
  • Sale of products or services that are not specifically creative works related to a program and not approved by Southbury Library Head Librarian and its professional librarian
  • Offering discounts to a business to attendees 

Handouts may not contain: 

  • Presenter business or contact information 
  • Logos of the presenter or presenter’s business 
  • Solicitations of contact information 
  • Contracts with patrons for future contact 
  • Business discounts or coupons of any kind 

In protection of patrons’ privacy, the Southbury Public Library will not share patron names or contact information with presenters. When needed for planning purposes, the library will share the number of attendees registered to attend a program. For youth programs where attendees’ ages vary, information about the ages and/or grades of participants may be shared with presenters when needed for planning purposes. 




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