Now Open: Temporary Location in Heritage Hotel

Visit our temporary location in the Heritage Hotel to pick up holds and for limited book browsing. Our virtual and offsite events (primarily at Parks & Recreation) continue! 

In Person- If The Broom Fits: Halloween and the History of Witches

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Program Description

Event Details

Have you ever wondered, especially on Halloween, why witches are depicted as riding on brooms through the nighttime sky? (It's a story you may find difficult explaining to the kids!)

You're never going to look at sweeping the same way again...

How did the benevolent image of a wise woman transform into the malevolent figure of the witch we know today?

As The Grounded Goodwife, mother/daughter duo Velya Jancz-Urban and Ehris Urban inspire audiences with their hands-on holistic workshops and Herstory Unsanitized presentations. Ehris is a graduate of the New England School of Homeopathy, holds a B.A. in Anthropology/Sociology and is a certified ESL teacher. Velya lives her life by the adage, "There is no growth without change." She is a teacher, public speaker, author, and expert on New England's colonial women. Velya's interest in the colonial era lead to the creation of her presentation, "The Not-So-Good Life of the Colonial Goodwife."

Like all Southbury Public Library programs, this event is free to attend and open to anyone regardless of town of residency. Registration is required. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Southbury Public Library. For more information about this program, please email Rebecca at or call the reference desk at 203-262-0626 ext 130.  



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


This program will be taking place on Zoom. The invitation links will be sent via email on the day of the program. To ensure that the invitation link reaches you, check your inbox for the registration confirmation email after signing up.