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IN PERSON- Holiday Favorites - "The Most Wonderful Songs of The Year"

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Program Type:

Music, Lectures

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Program Description

Event Details

Hearing holiday music can instantly fill our minds with the smell of pine, the taste of eggnog, and the warmth of a bright burning fire, but did you know that Jingle Bells was originally meant to be a Thanksgiving song?

Discover the story behind some of your holiday favorites while we learn why they truly are the most wonderful songs of the year.

Dan Lupo has published over 15 books on music and music theory through his book publishing company Encore Music Books. He is the owner of A to G School of Music, as well as the founder of Five Minute Mozart - an online video tutorial program which provides music theory education for beginning to intermediate students. With more than two million total views, these video courses have been seen in every country and state and are currently being utilized by music teachers and students all over the world.

Like all Southbury Public Library programs, this event is free to attend and open to anyone regardless of town of residency. Registration is required. This program is run by library staff. For more information about this program, please email Rebecca at or call the reference desk at 203-262-0626 ext 130.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.


This program will be taking place on Zoom. The invitation links will be sent via email on the day of the program. To ensure that the invitation link reaches you, check your inbox for the registration confirmation email after signing up.