Memory Tips for Teens

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Program Type:

Lectures, Workshop

Age Group:

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Allowed Grades: 6th Grade to 12th Grade

Program Description

Event Details

Join us to learn memory tips that may help with school, preparing for exams, and more with Dr. Wendy Hurwitz. Did you know that the techniques used by memory athletes* can be taught, learned, and create changes in the brain that enhance memory skill? In this program, you’ll learn about the tips and techniques used by memory athletes* and ways to apply them to your own life.

* Memory athletes are Olympic-level memorizers who compete to see who can memorize large amounts of information.

About our presenter: A graduate of Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Wendy Hurwitz is a nationally recognized expert on stress, a former ABC News medical researcher, and an expert in Mind/Body Medicine and Energy Medicine. Dr. Hurwitz translates the latest and most sophisticated scientific research into practical, easy-to-use techniques anyone can use to maintain and enhance vitality even under the most trying circumstances.

Please note: Out of respect for those with allergies, we request audience members refrain from wearing perfume or cologne if possible. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Like all our teen events, this program is free to attend, open to residents in any town in Grades 6-12, and sponsored by the Friends of the Southbury Public Library.



The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.