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Eileen Gorham Author Talk

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Join us as Eileen Gorham discusses her book The Gifts. The book of poetry reflects all that Ms. Gorham feels thankful for.   The collection, at 39 poems, was ready for publication but the author didn’t want to publish an uneven number of poems.  After a particularly bad storm in the Southbury area, she witnessed many beautiful colors in the sky and the gift of her 40th poem came to her in the form of “The Gift of God’s Paintbrush”.

Eileen Gorham has lived in Southbury, Connecticut most of her life. When she was 12 years old, she won second place in the "What Freedom Means to Me" contest.  Ms. Gorham views herself as a story teller.  She also has a background in children's education.

Like all Southbury Public Library programs, this event is free to attend and open to anyone regardless of town of residency. Registration is required.   For more information about this program, please email Rebecca at or call the reference desk at 203-262-0626 ext 2